Shenzhen Texin Electronic CO., Ltd is a professional manufacturer for signal jammer including anti drone defense system, mobile phone signal jammer, wifi jammer, GPS jammer, etc. Our anti drone system adopts the exquisite material and high power&high-integration jammer moulde, to ensure the stable jamming and long range shield effect. We has developed various kinds of anti drone defense system including the anti drone gun, fixed large anti drone system, seamless drone detector and anti drone defense system, car mount anti drone system, etc.
Our anti drone system adopt the high power jammer module usually 100W each channel, to achieve the long range over 2000 meter radius. It can shield the multiple band at same time such as 433MHz, 915MHz, WIFI2.4G,WIFI5.8G, GPS L1, GPS L2, etc. It can be customized to jam the certain range such as 500-1000 meter radius, 1000-2000 meter radius, 3000m radius, etc. Customer can choose a combination of them to realize the air security no blind corner. The large item will be packed in a fumigation wooden case; some small item be packed in the aluminum alloy frame briefcase; We assure customers that the goods will be no damage in transportation.
The black fly is a certain threat to many security place such as military base station, border line, police system, breeding farm, chemical factory, storage warehouse, etc. Thus, an effective anti drone system is of vital importance for those places to protect the air security from drone black fly. Usually, a large area base station or country border line needs the fixed anti drone system with drone detector and the seamless drone signal jammer, also the computer monitor system; for soldiers and single or individual combat in the battle field, the anti drone gun and the backpack drone jammer is the most suitable product; most police system will adopt the car mount drone jammer for their SWAT team, patrol team, anti-drug police team, etc. Welcome to any inquiry!
The product TX 3 Channel Aluminium Vehicle-Mounted Jammer is designed by TEXIN which interfere FPV efficiency.It is shape like tiny Luggage,made of aluminium that has waterproof dustproof and lightproof.Weight only 6.5kg that can move anywhere and install vehicle portable.The RF range max 1.5 km,your privacy was protected usefully.
Read MoreSend InquiryPortable Vehicle Car Combined Handle Drone Jammerit can put in car and also handle it anywhere .The product match 2 type antennas ,users can choose antennas which in complex case .when the key area like concert,Military site,government agency need defense drone to protect privacy ,high gain antenas booster jamming signal .The drone drived away,its a strong interference product,you deserve owend it.
Read MoreSend InquiryThe Portable 3 Channel Hand Held Drone Detector is new innovation development by Texin mannufatory .it has two omni antennas and one Orint Antennna which three band can customized.400-1500MHz/2200-2500MHz/5100-5900MHz RF is most person chooes ,it can dectect drone signal like DJI、TONG DAO 、and Four rotor、fixed wing、FPV.360°detection and 1.5-2km can be discovered. It is accurately Anti most of type drone in the market.
Read MoreSend InquiryTX Detection And Jammer Integrated Device2 not only a detection for drone ,but also it integrated jamming function,which can work automatically whole has high power to repeat the signal 97%drone type in the market and has well defense of Mavic3. TX-CD-WRJ02 possess performance deal with 1.2GHz、2.4GHz-2.5GHz、5.2GHz-5.9GHz drone.when it revice the signal it can cut of the way between the drone and remote controller and then drive the drone away.For users it is very efficiency and convenient.
Read MoreSend InquiryOutdoors No Stop 2000 meter Fixed anti drone Jammer system. This Anti drone system TX-JZ01 is developed to combat unmanned aerial vehicles of rotary type (multicopter, helicopter, quadrocopter, hexacopter, etc.), as well as drones of the flying/fixed wing type. TeXin is located in Shenzhen, China, with our own RF research and development team to create the innovative and cost effective anti drone system solution for the worldwide customers.
Read MoreSend InquiryThis Remote Control Anti Drone Defense system can protect an area from the drone in 1000-2000 meter radius range.
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