Shen Zhen Texin electronics co.,ltd has found 2014,it has go through over 10years nowadays .Past 10 years ago shenzhen Texin has Accumulated much customers which from all around the world .And because of the good quality and high efficiency with the products ,the TEXIN has earned reputation in the market. Adhering to the concept of innovation-driven development the company has produce multiple jammer module to satisfied customers such as Lora digital jammer module ,wide band 700-1000mhz jammer module ,4000-6900mhz power amplifier ,temp with Vswr protect and circle protection jammer module.
Studies show that our product jammer module has sold every corner of the world like Russia,northern Europe,North America,Mid East,Europe,Ukraine.Also the sales data can read most of customer were returning customers,when they buy the jammer module from other company after testing the anti drone,AUV, less effective between the Shen Zhen Texin electronics co.,ltd .Heard from a returning customer the reason why he choose the TEXIN jammer module is that it can provide excellent service and high efficiency reliable freight.Recent years the company is stronger and most products has influence in the market . More and more International customer contract Shen Zhen Texin electronics co.,ltd to buy jammer module .